Psychological counseling center
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News trends
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· Second letter to the students in quarantine 2009-09-17 
· The 3rd College Students' Mental Health Month Commendation Conference and Campus DV Competition excellent works exhibition was successfully concluded 2009-07-08 
· The third Mental Health Activity Month series activities - Department mental health theme board newspaper exhibition 2009-05-27 
· The third College students Mental Health Month series of activities - on-site psychological consultation and psychological interest photo exhibition activities successfully concluded 2009-05-26 
· The Department of Student Affairs hosted the opening ceremony of the third Mental Health Month activity and the special section "Mental Health Brings you a happy and healthy College Life"... 2009-05-20 

· The Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Ministry of Student Affairs organized group counseling activities on "Psychological growth" 2008-12-11 
· 2008 freshmen psychological survey completed successfully 2008-11-03 
· The second campus Psychodrama competition was successfully concluded 2008-06-16 
· The second Mental Health Activity Month series activities - Mental health theme board newspaper exhibition 2008-05-28 
· A series of activities for freshman entrance education - The exhibition of TEPCO students was a complete success 2007-10-13 

· The first college students' campus psychodrama competition was successfully concluded 2007-06-11 
· Professor Zhang Jiawei from Northeast Normal University gave a lecture to our teachers and students 2007-05-14 
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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012